Changes During Handover

Dear parents/carer

We would like to welcome everyone back and like to reassure you all of our utmost priority is to keep our children, staff and parents safe in the situation we find ourselves in. Due to this we have had to make some changes to the hand over times, can we please ask you to read this letter so you are aware of the changes.

Due to the current pandemic we have made some changes according to the government guidelines please adhere and have patience with us as we navigate through this difficult situation and bear with us if we have to make changes as this is new to us all and it is under review to see how best to maintain social distancing within the limited spaces we have.

As we want to make the hand over as swift as possible please try to understand that verbal handovers will be time restricted. We will give you a limited handover, unless there is an important issue to discuss, as other parents and children may be waiting .Staff will contact you via the mobile if there is any concerns regarding your child, developmental targets will be sent to you via the EyLog observations and any issues can be addressed at the parents evening in December. If you or the key person feel they need to address an urgent matter before parents evening this can be arranged by a phone call at a time which will suit all parties. Toddler room have the daily diary which will inform you of your child’s day in the nursery.

To minimise risk at the setting:

  • We will encourage a lot of hand washing.
  • Staff will continue our robust cleaning practices with antiviral products in all areas of thenursery and carrying out more regular cleans on touch points and commonly used areas
  • The number of visitors allowed in the nursery will be limited.We aim to work in partnership with you and trust that you understand and follow the following safe operating procedures.The key principles of these procedures are:
    If you or your child or someone in your household has coronavirus symptoms must not attend

    nursery and must isolate at home.

    If someone has been diagnosed with covid-19 please inform nursery as soon as possible.

    To ensure a safe and smooth entry and exit into nursery, the following handover procedure must be followed:

    Dropping off and picking up time will be staggered to limit the number of parents arriving at one time, your time for this first half term (from Tuesday 1st September till Friday 23 October) will send via text.

    We are asking all parents/carers to revisit and keep to these simple rules on drop off and collection:

    1. Please be prompt and do not run late for collecting your child and no child is to remain in the nursery after 4pm as the staff have to clean and prepare the nursery rooms for the arrival of the madrasa staff. There is a late charge as mention in our parent pack this will be applied immediately.


We pray you can be understanding and cooperative with the staff during this difficult transition and if for unforeseeable incident you ran late can you please make alternate arrangements for your child to be collected promptly.

3. We request Only one parent to carry out drop off and collection. (if where possible avoid bringing other children with you).

4. Adhere to social distancing guidelines.
5. if you have any pushchairs leaving them in the shed is the last resort. Please take home with you. 6. Please leave the site promptly as there will be other parents waiting to safely drop off or pick up. 7. If you can’t collect your child at your allocated time please call/text nursery mobile (07572545691) Toys from home

Can we ask you do not send any toys with your child from home.

For the toddler room if your child requires to bring in a comforter in the early days due to being unsettled please can you send it in a bag. We would prefer no toys or comforters to be brought into nursery but do understand that this could cause distress

Snack money

Can Snack money- be paid via a bank transfer if a parent/carer isn’t able to do this and needs to bring in cash. Could you please ensure you have the correct amount needed.

Hopefully this information is helpful in supporting your child return to the nursery. If there is any other information you need from us or that you need to share with us to support you and your child please contact the manager.

Thank you so much for your continued support, and understanding. This is such a difficult time for us all. Please know that everything that we do, we do with love and careful consideration with the children, families and staff at the heart of it all.

Happy Children Nursery
t: 0151 7330333 / 07572545691
e: Company Number: 08084979
Charity Number : 1162937
Ofsted Number: EY461044