Our Aims
To foster an environment that allows each child to learn organically, through the experience of play; working together with their families to provide a more holistic approach to learning.
Our Ethos
To create a child centred learning environment which is underpinned by the spiritual well being of each child; focusing on children’s interests, as well as the environment that surrounds them.
The Setting
Human beings are environmental by nature, they are very much products of all that takes place around them. In order to thrive, a child must be happy and content inwardly thus our learning environment places great emphasis on this happiness that we believe to be every child’s right.
Inspired by our Ethos we have developed a space in which we believe each individual child will flourish.
Revolving around three fundamentals: The Spiritual, The Organic and Play; we aim to take care of our children’s emotional as well as physical needs. Nurturing each child with food that is wholesome, play that is meaningful and an environment that reflects the natural world around them.