‘And Eat of the good we have provided you’
[The Cow:172]
Our holistic approach to childcare means that what our children eat is as important to us as the environment that they play in.
Just as we are products of our environment we are also products of the food we eat. Food is our energy source, when food is pure and wholesome then play becomes pure and wholesome.
Our endeavour is to provide children with a well balanced diet and where possible sourcing foods that are organic and fair traded. Introducing them to whole foods such as pumpkin, olives, dates and barley bread as well as to raw foods and tropical fruits from around the world.
Eating wholesome food from such a young age will go on to provide the children with life long healthy eating Habits.
Embodying our ethos of organic living 80% of the food served at snack times is made from organic produce. When possible bread is freshly made on site and our eggs are gathered by our children from our very own chickens.
We cater for all dietary, medical and lifestyle requirements, offering alternatives if necessary, which are in line with our food guidelines.
Staff eat with the children to help make lunch time feel social, demonstrate examples of good table manners and encourage conversation as well as to discuss the importance of healthy eating. During lunch and snack times, children are encouraged to serve themselves to develop confidence, refine motor skills/co-ordination/independence and choice.
Children are provided with fresh drinking water that they can access throughout the day to ensure they are fully hydrated.
Snack time: Snacks are offered to the children mid-morning and mid-afternoon.
Organic milk is provided during both morning and afternoon snack times. Alternative milk options are also catered for.
Children are provided with a selection of organic fresh fruits or vegetables on a daily basis, along with a small healthy snack such as crackers, breadsticks, rice cakes, crumpets, raisins or natural yogurt to help keep up their energy levels for their busy day.
We encourage the children to independently select what they would like for their snack or drink. In preschool, the children are involved in choosing their daily snack by voting every morning on what they would like for their snack.
The menu is not rigid and sometimes we change what the children will have for their snack due to special events, celebrations or if the children have been cooking or baking.
A daily snack diary is sent to parents via Eylog for children aged less than 3 years in the toddler room.
If you would like more information about your child’s daily snack please ask your child’s key person, room leaders, managers who will be more than happy to answer any of your questions and provide you with specific information.